Our History

Easthampton Congregational Church 1925
The Easthampton Congregational Church is part of the Hampshire Association. In 1785 local residents won approval of two neighboring towns (Northampton and Southampton) and the state legislature to become a separate town with the right to its own church. In 1918, the First Church and Payson Church merged, forming the present Easthampton Congregational Church. We place worship and outreach to the community high on our list of priorities.We have an in-house food cupboard, serve community dinners once a month (Oasis), and have a resale clothing shop (the Parson’s Closet) located in the former parsonage. Our Sunday worship service has a mix of both traditional and contemporary elements and our music is a reflection of this. We offer Sunday school classes during the worship service for children in grades K-6 and have a Youth Group for students in grades 7-12, which meets one Sunday a month.