Worship With Us

Our Worship Service
All are welcome! We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 am (we worship at the Southampton Congregational Church during the month of July), because the best way to experience a community of faith is “in-person”. Our worship service is both recorded and amplified; we are a handicap-accessible church and we provide both nursery care for infants and toddlers and seasonal church school for children. Our choir leads us with spiritually uplifting anthems and hymns sung from both traditional and contemporary sources. Services include prayer and praise, hymns, songs, and choir offerings, scripture reading and sermon-time, as well as time to share our joys and concerns with the gathered body of Christ. You will hear inspired, thoughtful, “real” sermons from our dynamic minister, Please join Rev. Sherry Tucker, and a multi-generational congregation in after-worship fellowship. Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month – alternately by Intinction (coming forward to the table to receive) and through a more traditional mode of Deacon Servers. Lay leadership is welcomed and encouraged. Visitors are too!
We ask you to call the office at 413 527 4790 for the most updated COVID regulations, should they involve Sunday worship and childcare.
We also hold several special services throughout the liturgical year, which are unique and spiritually fulfilling.
Special Worship Services
This list highlights some of the many opportunities we have to learn the story of Jesus Christ and move more deeply into our faith. Yet, there are so many other special services and opportunities for unique worship throughout the year! We invite you to check the church calendar and our newsletter for upcoming events and worship happenings.
- Weddings
- Baptisms
- Funerals and Memorial Services
Advent Services
Held during the first four Sundays of Advent and includes special readings and practices unique to Advent.
Christmas Pageant Sunday Service
Held by our Church School in December to the delight of all!
Christmas Eve Service of Candlelight, Song and Readings
Held on the evening of December 24th when we joyfully welcome Christ’s birth into the world with singing and reflection.
Ash Wednesday Service
Held on Ash Wednesday evening.
Maundy Thursday
Held during Holy Week on the Thursday before Easter at 7 p.m. This service commemorates and re-enacts Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, and telling the story of his betrayal, arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Tenebrae is observed at this service (the dimming of candles to represent the desertion of the disciples).
Easter Sunrise Service
Held on the hill at 6 a.m. at Molitoris Orchards on Park Hill Road at Easter. We joyfully celebrate at Sunrise with the gathered community as we watch the darkness of despair dissipate and God’s holy light shine forth.
Easter Worship
Held on Easter Sunday at 10am. A joyful and festive worship celebrating Christ’s resurrection and his victory over death in the world.
Children’s Sunday
Held in late Spring. This service is specifically designed to celebrate the gifts, talents, concerns, and faith of our Children and Youth.
Held 50 days after Easter. The “annual” birthday of the Church and celebrating the calling of the disciples to be the Church of Jesus Christ. Red is the prominent color during this service and many of our members and visitors wear red clothing in celebration!